Join us for Sunday School at 9:45am
Childcare provided.
Join us at 9:45am on Sundays for Sunday School!
Childcare is provided in the nursery on the lower level.
The WiredWORD - Adults
This class explores current events and discusses how our faith intersects and informs our response. Our WiredWORD class meets in the Gathering Room which is on the upper floor next to the Church Office.
Foundations Class - Adults
This class explores the lectionary scriptures each week, taught by a rotation of teachers. Our Foundations Sunday School meets in the Library which is on the upper level past at the end of the hall past the Choir Room.
Youth Class - Middle/High School
The class explores the lectionary scriptures each week, often as they relate to the weekly sermon. Youth Sunday School meets in the NEW Youth Room which is on the upper level next to the Choir Room.
Children's Sunday School - Elementary School
Children learn about God's love through the bible, play, and song. Children's Sunday School meets in the Children's Classroom which is on the lower level classroom wing next to the Nursery.