Neeley’s Notions on the in between times of our lives
Seeing God’s presence everywhere in between this Lent

A Note on Faith + Mental Health
Preparing for the upcoming worship and fellowship series on mental health.

Neeley’s Notions on planting peace
Reflecting on peace, gardens, and dancing with the Holy Spirit

Neeley’s Notions on my own little chair
Reflecting on Psalms and where we prayerfully connect with them.

Neeley’s Notions on Lent, Peter, and My Faith Journey
Explore your faith with us this Lent

Neeley’s Notions on finding joy in a weary world
Explore your WHY this Stewardship Season!

Neeley’s Notions for Pentecost
Consider how the Holy Spirit might be igniting in you to join in the divine dance of God’s creativity.

Neeley’s Notions for Easter Sunday
Easter is Resurrection Day! It is a high holy day of remembering what God has done, is doing, and will do in Christ Jesus.

Neeley’s Notions - Is This the Fast I Choose?
Watch Neeley's Ash Wednesday sermon to start off Lent!

Neeley’s Notions - Where Have You Seen God?
Share with me to help inspire my sermon this week!

Neeley’s Notions on Missing the First Sunday of Advent
Watch the video of a version of Neeley's planned sermon.

Neeley’s Notions for the start of Advent
Reflect on our traditions and stories passed down from generation to generation

Neeley’s Notions on Invitations
Invite someone because you want them to be part of the joy!