FPC Covington Staff and Leadership


Rev. Neeley Rentz Lane

Senior Pastor & Head of Staff

Rev. Erin Morgan

Associate Pastor of Faith Formation

Office and Music Staff


  • Charles Ardis

    Faith Formation (2025)

  • Jodi Atkins

    Strategic Planning (2026)

  • Doug Bolton

    Welcome (2025)

  • Kenny Compton

    Facilities (2026)

  • Billy Fortson

    Finance, Personnel (2024)

  • Pat Harper

    Worship (2024)

  • Nichole Howell

    Worship (2025)

  • Pam Stillerman

    Welcome, Worship (2026)

  • Luke Usry

    Witness (2026)

  • Danny Vining

    Personnel (2025)

  • Curtis Watson

    Witness (2024)

  • Mary Catherine Whisnant

    Faith Formation (2024)

  • John McCarthy

    Clerk of Session

  • Neeley Rentz Lane

    Moderator of Session and Diaconate


  • Janet Carmichael

    Pastoral Care (2026)

  • Tom Crews

    Pastoral Care (2025)

  • Dana Hall

    Faith & Fellowship (2025)

  • Darcel Tabb

    Faith & Fellowship (2024)


  • Hattie Bellinger

    Nursery Staff

  • Catrina Crowe

    Nursery Staff

  • Akeelah Fletcher

    Nursery Staff

  • Laina Lalane

    Nursery Staff

  • Jordyn Williams

    Nursery Staff