Links for Recurring Activities

Neeley’s Nook Leadership Book Club

One Tuesday a month at 6:00pm.
February 20 | March 12 | April 23 | May 14 | June 4 | July 23

Links for Recurring Activities

Youth “Wonder” Book Club

Summer Wednesdays at 6:00pm.
June 12 | June 19 | June 26 | July 3 | July 10 | July 24

*First meeting will be in person following VBS at Noon on June 5th

*Will not meet on July 17th due to the Montreat Middle School Conference

Presbyterian Women Elizabeth Ann Circle

First Tuesday of the month at 10:00am
​Also meets in person in the Fellowship Hall.

Jammies & Jesus

Second Sunday of the month at 7:00pm

Jammies & Jesus will break for the Summer.