Giving to FPC helps us work to achieve our mission.
Offerings at FPC
Do you have questions about how to make an offering at FPC? Click the + beside each topic to learn more about each topic!
Send any additional questions to our Finance Administrator, Peni Kehoe at peni@fpccov.org or 770-786-7321 ext. 1011
Mail cash or checks to:
First Presbyterian Church
1169 Clark St SW
Covington, GA 30014
Place your cash or check in the offering plate during worship.
We have envelopes in the pews that you are invited to place your cash offerings in if you would like it to go towards you pledge or a specific fund. Loose cash is also welcome and will be considered a general plate offering. It is not necessary to place checks in these envelopes.
We accept online gifts through Realm. One time or recurring gifts can be made by clicking HERE or by texting FPCCOV to 73256
Types of offerings
During Stewardship you will receive a Pledge Card which gives you to opportunity to let us know how much you pledge to give to the church in the coming year. Filling out this card is incredibly helpful for us as we plan our annual operating budget!
Of course we understand that things may change throughout the year so you may adjust your pledge at anytime by emailing our Finance Administrator, Peni Kehoe at peni@fpccov.org
details coming soon.
Memorial gifts are given in memory of someone who has passed, typically in lieu of flowers.
These gifts may be made using any payment method. Please include the name of the deceased with your gift and your name will be given to the family to acknowledge your contribution in their memory.
You will also receive an acknowledgement from the church for your own records.
details coming soon.
details coming soon.
Payments for non-deductible goods and services are processed through our system the same way as our offerings, but will not show on your giving statement.
Please ensure you either clearly write the name of fund on your envelope or memo line, or select the correct fund from the drop-down menu online.
Examples of non-deductible payments include: Soul Feast, t-shirts, retreat fees, book purchases, conference fees, and art parties.
Contact our Finance Administrator if you have any questions.
Payment methods
Cash may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the office.
If you would like your cash offering to be included in your giving statement and/or be included as your annual pledge please ensure your name is clearly written on the envelope.
If you would like to offer cash towards a specific fund, please include the name of the fund on the envelope as well.
Checks may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the office.
Please make your check out to a variation of “Covington First Presbyterian Church” and not to a specific organization we may be supporting.
If you would like to give to a specific fund, please include the name of the fund in the memo line of your check.
To give with your credit or debit card the transaction will need to go through the online giving portal on Realm. One time or recurring gifts can be made by clicking HERE or by texting FPCCOV to 73256
When giving through Realm you will be able to select the fund you would like your gift to be contributed to by selecting the fund on the dropdown menu.
You will also be asked if you would like to contribute $2.00(for credit/debit card transactions) or $1.00 (for ACH transactions)to offset our processing costs. This helps make sure your full gift can be used for our church rather than to cover the fees of each transaction.
Talk to your banker about setting up recurring gifts to the church as a charitable organization. We are a registered 501(c)3 under the legal name “Covington First Presbyterian Church, Inc.” and our EIN is available by request through our finance administrator, Peni Kehoe.