Children’s Ministry
You are a Child of God!
Let the suggestions contained in this guide help you to relax and appreciate the children who are present. The kin-dom of Heaven belongs to each and every one of us!
Physical copies of this guide can be found in the Narthex or you can click the "children in worship" button for a pdf!
We've got a guide for parents with children in worship!
First Presbyterian Church's Child Protection Policy
All employees and volunteers who work with children at FPC have gone through our child protection policy.
If your little ones become regular visitors to Sunday School, Worship, or the Nursery, we ask that you fill out the Children’s Ministry Form.
Our children's choir meets on Wednesdays at 4:45pm for children in 4K through 5th grades! Children's choir meets in the Children Classroom which on the lower level of the building. A volunteer will be at the nursery door to let families inside. The nursery door is located on Washington Street by the playground gate furthest away from the backdoor awning.
All children are welcome to join us at any time!
Send questions to our Director of Music & Worship Arts Mark Fiddie!
Children’s Choir
Children are always welcome to wiggle and giggle in the pews at FPC! There are Worship Bags for children on the rack outside the Sanctuary. During worship children are invited to join us at the front of the Sanctuary for a time of Wondering with God’s Children. Afterwards, children planning to go to the Nursery will be escorted downstairs by Pastor Neeley or Pastor Erin. They will sign in your children into the Nursery so you can sign them out when you pick them up! This is to help you stay in worship and us get them to the Nursery safely. If you need help finding the Nursery, you are invited to ask an usher to point the way.
A nursery is also available for infants to 2nd graders. We do hope children will worship with us in the sanctuary! Wiggles and Giggles are so very welcome! Our nursery is a safe, loving, and nurturing environment for our youngest disciples.
Names and photos of our nursery workers can be found HERE on our staff and leadership page.
For more information regarding Ministry with Children and Families at First Presbyterian Church, please contact Rev. Erin Morgan (erin@fpccov.org).
Our officers over children's ministry are Faith Formation Elders Charles Ardis, and Mary Catherine Whisnant.
What to expect in worship at FPC
Helping in worship
Acolytes - Our children are invited to participate in our acolyte ministry! 2nd grade children and up may participate as our "light-bearers" in worship!
Kid Ushers - On the first Sunday of each month, two children ushers will assist with ushering before worship!
K-1st grade: Parents are present for the supervision of their child at all times.
2nd grade and up: parents do not need to be present.
About once a month we have an afternoon or evening activity with our FPC Kids! Past activities include “playground and popsicles”, “fun in the sun water day” and “kids stained glass art class”. Check the e-news, children's news, and Remind to hear about upcoming activities!
LOGOS takes place once a month as the children’s Soul Class following Soul Feast for 4K-4th graders.
About - LOGOS is an intentional time for all ages to come together to learn about God and experience activities that grow their relationship with God and others. At each LOGOS gathering, participants take part in Bible study, recreation, a family-style meal, and a variety of worship arts (singing). These four parts are fashioned after the early church in Acts 2:42, “The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers.” LOGOS is a purposeful and planned ministry led by parents, grandparents and other adults who share their God-given gifts.
LOGOS helps develop deep roots within the congregation when parents, grandparents, and other significant adults dedicate time to the ministry. When people volunteer in LOGOS, it helps them as the primary spiritual guide for their children. Clergy and other volunteers of all ages from the church also serve, making this a congregational ministry.
Monthly FPC Kids Activities
Godly Play
Godly Play is for children in 4K-2nd grade and takes place on the third Sunday of the month after the time of Wondering with God’s Children during worship.
About - Making meaning through story, wonder, and play. Nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children. Godly Play is a very particular storytelling format where a story teller tells a particular Bible story to the children using props and then asks them a series of questions using "I wonder" language (for example, "I wonder where you saw yourself in the story" or "I wonder what part of the story was important to you").
Stay up-to-date with all our FPC Kids activities!
Click HERE or the button below to sign up for our Family Ministry E-news! It comes out once a month to highlight all of our upcoming events for children, youth, and parents and showcases some pictures from recent FPC Kids events!
Connect with us on Remind! We have “classes” set up for a couple of our ministries including our FPC Kids!
Text the class code below to 810-10 and follow the prompts to get text reminders for about Children's activities!
Children's Ministry code: @h82haa