Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons by A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org
Advent at FPC

Services this Advent at FPC
In person and on Facebook Live
Sundays at 11:00am
December 1: Hanging of the Greens
December 8: Lessons & Carols with communion
December 15: Children’s Christmas Pageant
Wednesday, December 18 at 5:30pm: The Longest Night
December 22: Words of Hop for Advent
Tuesday, December 24 at 6:00pm Christmas Eve
December 29: Don’t Forget to Laugh
January 5: STAR WORDS
Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons
Our 2024 Advent series, “Words for the Beginning: Advent Reminders for New Seasons” was created by the creative team at Sanctified Art. The following is their message on the theme and series.
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year rushes in. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on.
This Advent series is filled with blessings, with the words we need to hear again and again as we begin a new season. We imagined the words Mary would speak to her newborn son. What scriptures and stories would she impart to him? What lessons would she teach him as he grew? And so, our weekly themes may feel like the lessons we teach to children, but in reality, these are lessons we continue to learn and relearn as adults. We invite you to enter this Advent season as if you are entering a sacred new chapter, holding fast to the reminders that will bolster you for the journey ahead.
In many ways, pregnant Mary was surrounded by endings—large and small, personal and political. And yet, Mary proclaimed hope in a God who was and is making all things new. As we also move through new chapters, may these words for the beginning renew us and remind us of the ways we are called to live out our faith. No matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, let love be your beginning.
Christmas Poinsettias
If you would like to help decorate the Sanctuary during Advent and Christmas, make a donation to honor or memorialize a loved one. To do so, fill out this form and attach a check made out to FPC and place it in the offering plate or drop it off at the church office. Please put “poinsettias” in the memo space on your check or envelope.
Donations made online should be given under the dropdown fund option “Flowers-all.” Please email catherine@fpccov.org with your dedications if you give online.
A minimum donation of $12 is suggested.
Whatever donations we collect over the cost of the flowers will be donated to CarePortal to support local foster families.
This year we will accept new submissions throughout the season, so submit your form and donation by the end of the day on Wednesday to be included in the following Sunday's dedications. To be included in the Christmas Eve dedications, submit your form and donation by the end of the day on December 18th. All names will remain on the list through Christmas Eve. Thank you!